Sunday, July 18, 2010

some soggy ass drawings

Don't go boating in a canoe after it rains. you'll sit in a pool of water and all the sketches in your little sketchbook in your back pockette will get soaked. i could have waited for these to dry a lil more but i think they look kinda cool this way. plu s i realized how long it had been since the last blog post, and i thought about how all my loyal blog followers might kill themselves if i don't update this thing, and im not tryna be involved in any blog related deaths.

the museum of comic and cartoon art does this cartoonist master workshop thingy where they invite famous guys to talk to a bunch of losers, and i got to be one of the losers who listened to this wise old grandpa Kim Deitch he was great. he told me to get into physical fitness and other useful tips for aspiring cartoonists. it was really inspiring to see an old man in such good shape for an old man who has done so many great comic books and continues to work day in and day out doing what he loves. I hope to be such an old man as this one day. stay tuned.

the best drawing i have done in my life

an aquatic scene

Monday, July 5, 2010


so I'm trying to do a daily webcomic while I'm at my camp being a camp counselor. We'll see if it actually ends up being daily. i'll try my hardest.

it's called Andy in Tsoiberland. Tsoiberland means 'wonderland' in yiddish.